April Update:
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our decarbonising project so far!
Although we didn’t make the match funding grant that we were offered, the project is still alive and kicking and we are still raising funds to invest in our decarbonising works. We are currently researching a scaled-down version of our original proposal and hoping to include heat exchange facilities to recycle our hot-shop heat throughout the building – good for us, great for the students and imperative for the environment.
So please keep sharing!
Help us make a change …and not the climate!
It has been a long-held aim of ours to reduce the impact of our glassmaking school on the environment by investing in cleaner and more efficient systems.

The Glass Hub has been welcoming students into glassmaking since 2012. We were the first glass school to use smaller, portable glassblowing furnaces. They do not need to run 24/7 therefore use less gas, are cheaper to run and have a lower environmental impact. We want to do more, yet the huge increase in our energy costs have left us running on a shoestring instead of investing. This has also pushed us perilously close to closing our doors altogether.
We have been given a lifeline by our local council in the form of a grant to improve our energy efficiency.
With it we can upgrade and improve our equipment, facilities, and technologies to reduce our fuel consumption and carbon footprint. We will combat material wastage and inefficiency, reduce heat loss and re-use waste heat from the furnaces to heat our studios. This much needed investment will lead to better teaching facilities, more educational opportunities, and improvement in learning outcomes. It will help us continue doing what we love – teaching glassmaking and spreading the wonder of this ancient material and skill.

Why do we need your help?
This incredible grant from ‘Invest in Wiltshire’ is only available to us if we can match the funding. Despite putting everything we had into it we still have a shortfall, so have started a Crowdfunder campaign to raise the remaining funds.
We really hope you can support this project and our school by making a donation, any amount, large or small. There are several choices of donation, it can be public or private and we have organised some rewards too. If you would like more information about the project and our plans then please get in touch.
Help us make a difference and continue to bring glass into your lives.
Helga Watkins-Baker, KT Yun & The Glass Hub Team
Dylan Sheehan
Rachel Craig
Sue Tinkler